The pictorial medium
The pictorial medium, in Mariangela Levita's research, overcomes the gap of reality's representation and unhinges itself from its own linguistics codes. It becomes a self reflective practice, the analysis of a code, a meta- pittura that critically re elaborates its relationship with tradition and refines its tools in order to re- define the present of this medium.
The artist engages in a complex and fascinating composition game, based on distinct elaboration, textural fields of colours and outlines, intersections and stratifications.
An ideal visual grid and a rhythmic structural balance emerge from Levita’s work.
Here the artwork becomes a non iconic and evocative plane where the inner mindfulness and outer appearance of painting merge, delivering an evolution of the creative process as communication.
Levita paints the paintingitself : painting becomes painting’s own subject, it reveals itself as being ultimately a language.In this respect painting becomes an hypertext and suggests multiple interpretative contexts: it renovates the ambits and the territories of a medium which has been considered, unfairly and for too long, antiquated.